Building a Stronger and Better You

One thought at a time.

Our Mission

Eliminate the financial barriers to mental health services while increasing the access and availability of NeuroPsychotherapy services to the underserved and at-risk members of our community.

Neuro Maui is committed to building stronger healthier communities. As a way of giving back to the community that has supported us for nearly 30 years, we formed a not-for-profit corporation (NeuroBehavioral Health Maui) to assist those at-risk members who need our services most.

Neuro Maui was formed in 2020 during the Covid-19 Pandemic in direct response to the elevated levels of stress, anxiety, and trauma expressed throughout the world, more importantly…in our local community.

Our federally recognized 501(c)3 status allows us to be of service in key areas, some of which are listed below:

1. This status allows us to partner with other non-profit community service organizations and provide much needed mental health services that compliment existing programs.

2. Thanks to charitable donations, our services can be provided to the larger community through program partnerships.

3. As a charitable organization individuals and organizations can directly support these efforts through tax deductible contributions.

To learn more about NeuroBehavioral Health Maui and how we can help your program, click the button below.

We believe that in order to create new and lasting thought patterns that improve mental health two distinct areas need to be addressed: the Brain and the Mind. Neuro Maui accomplishes this by combining the evidence-based modalities of both Neurofeedback and Psychodynamic Psychotherapy (Neuropsychotherapy for short).

Nearly a century ago one of the founders of modern psychology considered how fundamental psychologically based models (that work on the mind) could later be reinforced once mechanistic neurological processes (that work on the brain) were identified which corresponded to the psychological processes being addressed. One means of exploring the real time relationship between the mind and the brain and their manifestation in the human experience is the integration of neurofeedback with psychodynamic sessions. Practically speaking, both interventions once integrated could inform one another, leading to quicker processing and long lasting measurable results.

Well, that time has arrived! Thanks to advances in the field of Neuropsychoanalysis, our evidence-based approach can help you, your family, and your community improve “One Thought at a Time”.

Now both interventions can inform one another, resulting in quicker breakthroughs and longer lasting results.


Neurofeedback Specialist

Neurofeedback saved my life…literally; which is why I have devoted the past 14 years of it to provide this life changing treatment to others.




Practicing for over 30 years in the state of Hawaii, has been and continues to be one of the most rewarding experiences of my life.




What is Neuropsychotherapy?

Neuropsychotherapy is an integrative approach to therapy that takes into account the dynamic interplay between the mind, body (brain), social interaction, and the environment on a person's well-being with a focus on evidence-based neuroscientific research.

What is Neurofeedback?

Neurofeedback (EEG biofeedback) is a cutting edge intervention that helps the brain optimize functioning. Neurofeedback training technology gives the brain information about its own electrical output, in the form of visual and auditory feedback, which shows the brain how to operate more deliberately and efficiently.

Nature loves balance, efficiency, harmony, and rhythm, and the brain responds accordingly. Our brain learns to how to repeat these efficient states on its own, resulting in clients feeling, calm, focused, confident, energetic, agreeable, motivated, creative, more social and present. Completely painless and noninvasive, nothing comes into the brain. And it can be fun!

What is Psychodynamic Psychotherapy?

It all begins with an understanding of the Psychodynamic Theory which states that events in our childhood have a great influence on our adult lives, shaping our personality. Events that occur in childhood can remain in the unconscious, and our perception of those events can cause problems as adults.

Psychodynamic Psychotherapy explores the relation between perspective-defining events (also known as source events), and your subsequent reactions. These events usually occur in early childhood, but may occur later in life. Once the defining events are identified, they can be addressed and your reactions transmuted, eliminating the negative life patterns and enabling you to choose new positive life patterns. Thus, unlocking your true and desired life goals.

Why do we combine Neurofeedback training and Psychodynamic Therapies?

Thanks to advances in technology, innovations in the practice of psychology allow for more targeted and solution/outcome-based modalities; Neuropsychodynamic therapy is one such modality.

The once elusive pursuit of evidence-based mind/body holistic therapy has arrived. We now know that holistic treatments can achieve longer lasting and significant desired results in a shorter period of time.

With EEG Neurofeedback (EEG-NFB) individuals learn to change brain wave, thought and behavior patterns. These changes can be identified, changed and observed due to the advances in EEG Neurofeedback technology.

With appropriate, competent and knowledgeable Psychodynamic therapists, negative thought pattern forming events can be located, identified and transmuted in the mind to serve the individuals desired goal.

How long does it take to achieve lasting results?

Studies have shown that significant and lasting desired results can occur in as little as 13 weeks. For those in need of a more immediate change, we have developed a 7-week protocol.

What are some of the treatments I can expect

What is the recipe for success?

1) A clear and desired outcome

2) The individuals buy-in and consent

3) Commitment to self and the process

4) Keeping all appointments

What are some common applications?

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Stress

  • Trauma

  • Neuroplasticity

  • Addictions

  • Mood

  • Sleep

  • Peak Performance

  • Attention

Are any drugs used?

No. This process is non-invasive and does not require the use of, or recommendation of any drugs.