Our Mission


We are a charitable organization that strives to reduce or eliminate the financial barrier to mental health services while increasing availability of those services to underserved communities, using Neuropsychotherapy.

Our Story


It all began with a client in common. Unbeknownst to either Gayle or Laura, one of their individual clients kept mentioning “…how they, and their partner, noticed the most consistent and profound improvements when they had neuro-training and psychotherapy sessions in the same week”.

What that shared client didn’t know was that Laura and Gayle were vaguely aware of each other’s work, having both provided their services at a healing retreat.

The connection wasn’t made until that client offered to introduce them to each other, saying the combination of neurofeedback training and psychotherapy addressing the same goal in the same week had a profound impact.

When the two practitioners, finally and formerly met, the aha moment occurred! Its not often that people meet someone whose goals and values are in direct alignment personally, professionally, and ethically. But, that’s exactly what happened; and what better place for that to happen than on Maui.

In March of 2020, Laura and Gayle decided to deliberately work together on clients they thought could benefit the most with the combined protocol. It soon became evident that the approach was a resounding success.

NeuroTherapy Now (the company that combines both Neurofeedback and Psychotherapy) was formed during the height of Covid-19 as a direct response to the increasing need for effective mental health services.

It soon became obvious that certain financial conditions existed that made this treatment inaccessible to many members of our community that needed it most. Our solution, form a Non-profit component that can mitigate or eliminate that barrier and while increasing the availability of Neuropsychotherapy.

Our federally recognized charitable organization is NeuroBehavioral Health Maui. By supporting NBHM, you help us build a stronger and healthier community which benefits us all.

Mahalo, for your time and support!



Gayle Barklie - Founder,


“As a person who has dealt with many unseen challenges in life (ie. dyslexia, cancer) , I have always been drawn to assisting people in need.

This vehicle enables me to assist a greater number of people”

As a thirty year practitioner in the mental health field, Gayle witnesses evidence that the most valuable way to achieve personal transformation and permanent life healing is by addressing the subconscious mind.

Utilizing transpersonal, spiritually-based modalities, she provides ways to help clients resolve trauma, release addictions and discover their life purpose. Combining her unique methods with the enhancing component of neurofeedback, clients achieve an elevated success.


Laura Ramos - Founder


“Living on Maui connects me to a deep appreciation for my own recovery daily.  I am the best version of myself here.  I feel centered, grounded and in alignment.”  

“This state of being is what I strive to help others achieve.

Certified as a Neurofeedback Therapist and as a Professional Recovery Coach, Laura specializes in the treatments of trauma, stress, related anxiety issues, depression, addictions, eating disorders, ADD and ADHD.

Our Board


Fred Rickert

Veteran and founder of CFO2GO Hawaii. Experienced financial and business leader in multiple industries with a passion for achieving greatness in organizations and society through innovation and positive change.

Kalyani Burt


Hoku Yamaguchi

I am honored to be working in a symbiotic way with all elements in this program, adding my local voice to the direction it takes”.

A born and raised island boy originally from Kauai residing in Maui, I grew up in and surround by nature.

I was blessed with adversity in 2011 (at the age of 17) when I dove off a canoe into murky waters breaking my neck. That adversity led me to my purpose in life!

Since then my passion has been channeled in reforestation of the native Hawaiian lands using native Hawaiian plants, cultural preservation and being an inspiration for those living with physical challenges.


Jason Wilson

“All challenges are viewed as puzzles with solutions to me. Helping others solve their puzzles to unlock their potential fills me with joy and a sense of accomplishment.

Being a part of this organization allows me to give back to the greater Hawaiian community, in a substantive way, which has enriched my life in all the ways that truly matter.”

Veteran, entrepreneur and founder of ZGF Consulting Solutions, Jason’s experience, and innate abilities to help guide and clarify business’s direction and purpose makes him an ideal partner for NBHM.

He is an ardent transformationalist fighting for the underdog, be it for the socially, economically, or educationally disadvantaged. Jason brings the elements of personal empowerment and solution finding to this organization.